Child support services kicks off 'bearable hugs for Georgia’s children’ campaign
January 2011
ATLANTA (GA) – The Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) and the Fatherhood Program are collecting teddy bears and other stuffed animals for children as part of their “Bearable Hugs for Georgia’s Children” campaign. The toys will be given to children receiving care at pediatric facilities throughout Georgia, women’s shelters, law enforcement agencies and other children’s organizations.
“Our mission at Child Support is to put children first,” said David Harris, manager of the Fatherhood Program. “We hope the teddy bears will bring comfort and put a smile on the face of a child who may be facing illness, domestic upheaval or some other uncertainty.”
Individuals, churches, businesses, schools and other organizations may participate in the “Bearable Hugs for Georgia’s Children” campaign by dropping off donations of teddy bears and other stuffed animals at any DCSS location. Collection boxes are located at all DCSS locations throughout the state. The stuffed animals will be distributed the week of February 14, 2011.
“Last year we collected over 17,000 stuffed animals which benefitted children served by 90 different organizations around the state,” said Harris. “We hope to collect even more stuffed animals this year.”
The Division of Child Support Services helps Georgia’s children by enforcing the parental responsibility to financially support children. The Fatherhood Program serves non-custodial parents who are unable to pay their child support by helping them find employment and other services that promote self-sufficiency so they can support their children.
For more information about the Division of Child Support Services or the Fatherhood Program, go to
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