Cobb County

The following Child Support Service offices serve Cobb County:
Cobb (330)
590 Commerce Park Drive Suite 112
Marietta, GA 30060-2738
Phone: 1-877-GA DHS GO (1-877-423-4746)
Fax: 770-528-3507
Email: [email protected]
This office works cases when both parents live within the state of Georgia.
Cobb UIFSA (350)
District Attorney's Office
Child Support Division
10 E Park Square - Suite 402
Marietta, GA 30090-9620
Phone: 1-877-GA DHS GO (1-877-423-4746)
Fax: 770-528-2436
Email: [email protected]
This office works interstate cases only (i.e., One parent lives outside State of Georgia. The other parent lives in Cobb county or there is an existing Cobb county order). The Cobb UIFSA (350) office reports to Region CA.